Technical writing

Why technical writing is important

Writing tha help users solve problems with tecnologies and technical subject matter

1 Marketing

You have to sell your product

2 Gets the information out of your head

People will stop asking you for it

3 Gets the team on the same page

Documentation should be

  • Essential: Document with just barely good enough detail
  • Valuable: The benefit of having documnetation must outweight the cost of creating and maintaining it
  • Timely: Documentation should be done in a just-in-time(JIT manner) when we need it

The writing process

Plan -> Research -> Write -> Review/Edit -> Launch

Document purposes

  • Persuade readers to think or act a certain way
  • Enable them to perform a task
  • Help them understand something
  • Change their attitude

The reasearch phase

  • Interview subject matter experts(SMEs)
  • Review existing documentation
  • Use the software

The writing phase

  1. Organize your content and ideas Create your writing plan, organize and order your ideas using list or categories

  2. Write the first draft: Just write, follow your plan from step 1, don't worry too much about grammer, formatting or spelling, all type of things. You can get back later

  3. Review and revise your own work

    • Does the document fullfill its purpose
    • Is anything missing?
    • Can anything be taken out?
    • What questions will the reader have? And answer them
    • Is the writing easy to understand?

    Reviewing/Editing phase

  • Adjust or organize content
  • Editing for style
  • Editing for gramming and punctuation

Plan phase

Analyzing your audience:

  • Who will be reading it?

Type of documents


Identify what is to be built, and to verify we're meeting stakeholder'expectation


Defines how the system will be constructed, describing critical components and how they fit together


Enable task completion and understanding

Test Plans/Test cases

Define the approach to testing; expose errors or demonstrate correct behaviour

End user

Enable task completion, provide support and troubleshooting

Writing tips and best practices


Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything



User story

One or more sentences in everyday or business langugage that capture what a user needs to do Format: As a (type of user), I want (some goal) so that (some reason) Examples: As a (patient), I want (to receive an SMS message when my prescription is ready to pick up) so that (I can avoid unnecessary waiting at the pharmacy)

Traditional text-based requirements


A list of actions or event steps, typically defining interactions between an actor and a system, to achive a goal

Software requirements specification(SRS)

Description of a software system to be developed(ties together requirements we've just talked about)



  • References to other pertinent documents
  • Definitions of important terms, acronyms and abbreviation Purpose: This document defins the design of the Pharmalantalert system, as set forth in the Software Requirements Specification(SRS). It contains details of the web application as well as the mobile app, including system architecture, component design and data design.


  • A brief description of what the system will do
  • benefits, objectives and goals of the system
  • Associated risks Intended audience:
  • This doucument is intended to be used by the software development team, including developers and project managers.

Design goals and rationale: Explain why you use this design instead of others For example: The web application will be designed using the MOdel View Controller(MVC) architectural style.

The reasons for implementing MVC architecture are twofold. First, allows information hiding and seperation of concerns. This allows for high cohesion and low coupling. The system is therefore lighter, more secure and easier to maintain debug

Also includes:

  • Assumptions and depedencies
  • Constraints
  • Goals and guidelines
  • Development methods

System architecture

Detailed system design

  • Design patterns and techniques
  • Modules, classes, files
  • Data structures
  • Algorithms
  • Interfaces

Class diagram

Sequence diagram

Data design

  • Fequency of updates
  • Security requirements
  • Receovery
  • report Generation
  • Iterfacing systems


Until you've written about your software, you have no idea what you'll be coding

Write your README before your code

Test plans and test cases

Test scenario and test cases

End user documentation

Documents the differences between two versions of the same software(v1 & v2)

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