What is TiDB?

  • is a distributed HTAP database compatible with the MySQL protocol.

  • HTAP (hybrid of OLTP and OLAP) is a term that describes a database architecture that breaks down the wall between transactional and analytical data workloads. The goal is to give businesses real-time analytics and thus enable real-time decision-making

  • Difference between OLAP and OLTP:

    • if you are doing analytics (ex. aggregating historical data) use OLAP
    • if you are doing transactions (ex. adding/removing orders on an e-commerce cart) use OLTP


  • Horizontal scalability: TiDB provides horizontal scalability simply by adding new nodes. Never worry about infrastructure capacity ever again. horizontal-scaling_330x199.png

  • MySQL compatibility: Easily replace MySQL with TiDB to power your applications without changing a single line of code in most cases and still benefit from the MySQL ecosystem. images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQqup88QaXarT33Q3te0N0TKZtPmqHRsQJ-TKKGyclM_VQCMBy0

  • Distributed transaction: TiDB is your source of truth, guaranteeing ACID compliance, so your data is accurate and reliable anytime, anywhere.

  • Cloud Native: TiDB is designed to work in the cloud -- public, private, or hybrid -- making deployment, provisioning, and maintenance drop-dead simple. TiKV the storage engine of Tidb is now a part of cloud native computing foundation

  • No more ETL: ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) is no longer necessary with TiDB's hybrid OLTP/OLAP architecture, enabling you to create new values for your users, easier and faster. diagram4---x----750-328x---.jpg

  • High availability: With TiDB, your data and applications are always on and continuously available, so your users are never disappointed.

  • gathers metrics in Prometheus/Grafana: With TiDB, rather than retaining the metrics inside the server, a strategic choice was made to ship the information to a best-of-breed service. Prometheus+Grafana is a common technology stack among operations teams today, and the included graphs make it easy to create your own or configure thresholds for alarms. tidb_metrics.png


  • TiDB: A stateless SQL layer that is MySQL compatible, built in Go.
  • TiKV: A distributed transactional key-value store, built in Rust. (TiKV recently became a Cloud Native Computing Foundation project.)
  • TiSpark: An Apache Spark plug-in that connects to TiKV or a specialized, columnar storage engine (something we are working on... stay tuned).
  • Placement Driver (PD): A metadata cluster powered by Etcd that manages and schedules TiKV.



Use Case

  • MySQL Scalability:
    • Considering how to replicate, migrate, or scale your database for extra capacity
    • Looking for ways to optimize your existing storage capacity
    • Getting concerned about slow query performance
    • Researching middleware scaling solutions or implementing a manual sharding policy
  • HTAP Real-Time Analytics
    • TiDB breaks down the wall between OLTP and OLAP by decoupling its compute layer and storage layer, and using different stateless SQL engines (TiDB and TiSpark) for different analytics tasks. Both engines connect to the same persistent data store (TiKV), making real-time analytics and decision-making a natural product of the system

When you should use TIDB

  • RDBMS is becoming the performance bottleneck of your backend service
  • The amount of data stored in RDBMS is overwhelming
  • You want to do some complex queries on a sharding cluster
  • Your application needs ACID transaction on a sharding cluster

Test and Benchmark

  • Suppose that we have an employee database with tables like this running on a local mysql server
  • there are nearly 3 million records in salaries table which is distributed over 10 partitions and 300 thousand records in employees table so we can test how well TiDB perform over MySQL on a large dataset


Do a simple query

  • With MySQL 020789a3.png Benchmark with go b2173b02.png

  • With TiDB fe38af7b.png Benchmark with go 753e3797.png

Do a complex join query

  • With MYSQL c6cd4a76.png Benchmark with go 00529609.png

  • With TiDB dbce0683.png Benchmark with go 8e6513d7.png

DatabaseSimple QueryComplex Join Query
MySQL0.9 sec/op0.327 sec/op
TiDB1.3 sec/op0.812 sec/op
  • From the result we see that MySQ outperform TiDB when the data set is large

Some serious benchmark results i gathered from the internet

main-qimg-61a413acb97c5c58fad93bdff703df45 main-qimg-6110333d1861ef4017c02e70c84cdefa

TPS - Transacitons per second QPS - Queries per second main-qimg-1ffcf281759605c6cc20af5bbe26e744 main-qimg-511beaa96bc99e84b2bedc55001a0250

  • So the test result shows that when concurrency (controllable in middlewares) is not quite high, MySQL outperforms TiDB a lot but when concurrency is higher, the throughput of MySQL reduce obviously.

  • It turns out that TiDB is not that good as what they claim in many ways.

  • Besides there are several other issues you might know:

    1. Data writing operations that create primary keys continuously will cause pretty high IO on some disks. As TiKV uses range-partition for the primary key, the continuous primary keys will be in the same region, causes hot spot issue. This makes it difficult to modify business that has a lot incremental sequence primary keys to be adjusted
    2. No local indexing: TiDB has not support B-tree indexing, so it can only use global indexing. Any record change may cause the cross-server change of indexes, this may also cause distributed transaction submitted when there is only one record changes
    3. Even TiDB uses Percolator mechanism to transform the 2-pc into two phases of synchronous and asynchronous. This may still cause serious net delay due to the lock conflicts.
    4. TiDB’s region partitioning and balancing will cause backend disks pressure burst. In the test I’ve detected many jump from peak to trough, disks usage is pretty high maybe it triggered some auto splitting or merging mechanism.

Answer to How does TiDB compare with MySQL? - Quora


  • TiDB might be an interesting product in China that can fully ‘support’ distributed OLTP, but to be an enterprise-ready product,it still has a long way to go. Also, it’s rarely seen for a database using LSM tree for OLTP, there may have some problems.

A lead engineer at pinterest:

We intentionally ran away from auto-scaling newer technology like MongoDB, Cassandra and Membase, because their maturity was simply not far enough along (and they were crashing in spectacular ways on us!). I still recommend startups avoid the fancy new stuff — try really hard to just use MySQL. Trust me. I have the scars to prove it. MySQL is mature, stable and it just works. Not only do we use it, but it’s also used by plenty of other companies pushing even bigger scale

Quote from Sharding Pinterest: How we scaled our MySQL fleet - Pinterest Engineering - Medium

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