Prepare for a job interview
Before the interview
- Company profile
- Mission and culture
- Background/history
- Leadership
- Number of employees
- Company culture
Technical questions
- Think out loud
- Think outside the box
- Don't overcomplicate it - most questions have a simple answer
- Don't start coding right away - understand the problem and try to solve it first, then make it into code
- Don't lie or make things up - It's okay to say - I don't know
Behaviroual questions
- Tell me about a time
- Describe a situation
- Teamworks, Leadership, Handling conflicts, Problem solving, Dealing with failure
During the interview
You need to make them like you
- Small talks
- Have a useful attitude
- Open body language
- Be yourself
- Synchronize
- Be prepared
- Tell of your accomplishments and how you can contribute
- Use small talk
- Talk first, start strong
- Be positive
- Be clear and concise
- Be friendly
After the interview
- Ask if they need anything else from you
- Reiterate your interest in the job
- Make sure you understand next steps(future interview)
- Say thank you