My rules
The 45 minute, 15 minute rules
When you do some task and you are really excited. Just do it in 45 minute section then stop, take a break. Wait for the next section, or next day so in the next coming section, you will have the full energy, motivation after your brain refresh. It’s like watching a movie, it isn’t fun if you bing watch all the episode in a day. The film will be much better if you watch a movie in a day.
The importance of community
- You want to become a part of group when you learn. you want to build a community of support. "I like doing things by myself", you are not as smart as you think. It would takes you ages to learn the proper techniques, methods. As soon as I started being open to community
- You hold each other accountable and help each other out
Setting goals
Theme for a goal
There are many ways you can achive your goal. When you face an obstacle or the goal your are working on seems not to progresse much. It's the time that you should question your self. Am I taking the right approach , use the right methods to achive my goal. For example when you try to learn something, you find some books and try to read it. But you feel very bored when spend hours try to understand the concept on that books but it's so hard to understand. Why is that, because you are kind of a visual learner, try to learn the topics through some visual videos. Go to youtube, search for the subject you want to learn. And not surprisingly, the moment click. You understand the concept which is still vague when you were reading the book.
S: Specific, most goals are generalized and vague so we don't know how to achieve them. Your goal must be clear and well-defined. If i want to become a devops developer what step do i have to take to achieve my goal
M: Measurable
- Track the progress of your goal. Somethings like a gym app, what is the maximum weight for this set.
A: Attainable Don't set impoosible goal. While they may push you for a while. You will almost certainly end up giving up on them. Instead of being impossible. Your goals should be challenging yet achivable.
R: Relavant Your plan should be relavant to the direction you want to your life and career to take. A comman misttake is having too many goals at the same time or pursuing the wrong goals. For example, i want to learn frech. Becoming fluent in french is cool, but i don't use french in my daily life. So learn it would be a complete waste of time. So don't learn it
T: Time bound Your plans must have a deadline. If you don't set a time limit. You have basically have unlimted time to achive your goals. When you are working on a deadline, your sense of urgency increases and you're more likely to achive your goal
System vs goals
Success = Luck X Skills that you obtain
1. System
- Put 1 hour into learning everyday
2. Goals
- I need to build this big project. This is a big goal with clear end but it is more prone to us to procrastinate
Avoid burnout
- Whatever activity you are doing has to be rewarding to you if you want to avoid burning out
- You need some sort of obsession that keep you going even when you're getting absolutely nothing in return. But in the long run, you belived that it will pay off
- You have to enjoy the process
Learning anything
ADEPT method
Stay motivated while learning hard and boring topics
The two key ideas, if you really adopt them. You can make any subject intresting
- Every subject can be interesting
- Every subject can be learnable