Hyper focus developer

Block out the period that you are most productive


Scheduled your work when you are the most productive.

  1. Turn off cellphone
  2. Turn off slack/discord
  3. No meetings
  4. No secondary tasks/ no minor bug fixes
  5. NO vocal music

Super focus, deliver big chunk of works. Work on the most important thing

=> Engineering is a very mentally draining tasks, after such a block. I'm completely
2. => Eating + gym ( 2hours ) 3. => secondary tasks (1 hour (ish))

  • emails
  • meetings
  • reply to dms
  • pr reviews
  • minor issues/ bug fixes

=> do chores/ cook food, read a book , do nothing

  1. another block of deep focused work ( 2 -3 hours)

  2. stretch -> sleep Being consistent is very important. It's not today, the whole year you will be doing that. The results of the seeds you plant today are not gonna get harvested tomorrow. You gonna harvest these things over years.

Dont fall to the trap of instant gratification. Don't do that. If you try this for one year, give your self a year to do this and check the result.

The mindset that skyrocketed my programming career

  1. The bottleneck in the webapp doesn't come from the framework. The bottleneck sit here in your mind. Don't choose the fatest framework without knowing any troubles coming with it. People can't really detect any changes that is under 100 milliseconds

The majority of startup that is being built with way too complex technologies than what it's actually is doing.

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