Get more work done

How to get more work done in a day than many people in a week.

Original source: How to Get More Work Done in a Day Than Most People Do in a Week

1. Breaks up your work hours and take breaks

Research has shown that short breaks taken regularly resulted in a 16% improvement in focus

When you take break to refresh for new tasks, you'll comeback recharged and ready to achive greater efficieny

Taking regular breaks from mental tasks improve creativity and skipping breaks can lead to stress, exhaustion, and creative block.

2. Create a force deadline

Having a limited amount of time actually increase the speed of your work

If you're working on a tight deadline you're at probably at an advantage when it comes to getting in the zone

But if you're not, think of ways to set one for yourself. Set timer if it helps

3. Manage your enegy, not your time

If you experience a slump every day, for example, trying to power through it will only do more harm than good. You won't be working efficiently, your results will be poor. Instead, trying to take a quick wwalk, or even taking a power nap for 10 to 20 minutes.

4. Key takeaways

when you build better routines, manage your energy, and work with your body instead of against it, you will complete more in less time, get more done each day, waste less time, find more free time. Take control of your life, lower you stress.

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