

  • When you want to record a value that only goes up
  • When you want to be able to later query how fast the value is inreasing
  • Usecase: request count, tasks completed, error count


  • When you want to record a value that can go up and go down
  • When you don't need to query its rate
  • Usecase: Memory, queue size, number of request in progress


  • When you want to take many measurement of a value to later calculate average or percentile
  • when you're not bothered about the exact value, but are happy with the approximation
  • When you know what the range of values will be up front so can use the default bucket definitions or define your own
  • Usecase: Request duration, response size

Summary: DIfferent between summary and histogram

  • Summary quantiles are calculated on the application server. Histogram quantiles are calculated on prometheus server
  • Histogram request upfront bucket definition. Summaries are a good option if you don't know what the range of values will be upfront.
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